Hello there, glad to meet you! We’re a graphic design and web development company based just outside of Washington, D.C. serving, well… just about anyone looking for a top-notch creative and technical partner. And, while we do many things, back-end customizations that make managing your website more fun and productive is our sweet spot.

Our Wheelhouse

  • Responsive, mobile-first websites
  • Content management system/framework (CMS/CMF) selection, implementation, and customization. While we specialize in the very capable and flexible MODX content management framework, we’re ready to take on whatever system best fits our clients’ needs.
  • Splash/landing pages
  • Books and reports
  • Periodicals
  • Logos and stationery systems
  • Advertisements (print and banner)
  • Infographics
  • And more…

Our History

While Pixels & Strings is a new company, we have a long history of delivering results that clients love under our former moniker, Spark Media Group. As more than two decades have gone by since the original company’s birth and the needs of clients have changed, so too has our focus—from a primarily print-based graphic design agency to one increasingly focused in the digital realm.